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looking for family from coolagraffy rossinver sligo  my grndparent Patrick  Luke Kelly from glway married Kate Gallagher in 1890s ? They had twin girls December 1898 Catherine E lizabeth and MAry Bridget  then in 1902 had twins agin in September John Luke and Margaret Teresa ,margaret died 1904 and so did Kate of consumption  ,Patrick later married a Bridget may have been his ister in law who was living with the family in the 1901 censu her name was Bridget Annie Gallagher in the 1911 census she is down as head of house and Patrick as landlord cant find out anymore info on the fmily but lnd wa passed to a Luke Kelly in 1987 he could be an uncle of min but cnt find anything bout him .My father wa John Luke Kelly who sadly passd away in 1995 aged 92 but he very rare spoke about his life in Ireland and I would love to know mor about my fmily over there I have been to Ireland o many time with friends and I lov it I hve even ben to Sligo and didnt know so was so close to my family ties .I do hope I stil hav fmily there tht i could tlk to an mybe find out more about my ancestors x

Tuesday 9th Jul 2013, 08:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • HI

    Thank you for your message.

    I have forwarded your request to a volunteer in County Sligo who may be able to offer a bit of advice.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy support


    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 11:23AM
  • Thank you so much I hope someone can help .Kind regards Rose

    Thursday 11th Jul 2013, 07:18PM
  • Have been looking at 1901 and 1911 census and i am now looking to see if any of the other names are related to my kellys or gllaghers ,other names on list are Rooneys ,Mcgowans,Gilmartins rTiffany spelt Tiffoney on 1911 census hope theres some relstionship somewhere or someone remembers these families x

    Thursday 1st Aug 2013, 01:58PM

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