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Looking for sny information for John Luke Kelly and Bridget cGoey marriage 1926 and their children Patrick J 1928 ,john 1930 , Edward 1931, Winnie 1937 there is another child but not got details so far John Lukes father was Patrick Luke Kelly Galway and mother was Kate Gallagher Coolagraffy Rossinver Sligo  

Tuesday 18th Feb 2014, 06:22PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Susan

    I have just replied to your previous query in relation to Rossinver. I advise you follow the same steps to try to locate your Kelly ancestors. I have included in that reply the contact details for the Roman Catholic Parish of Rossinver, Co. Leitrim.

    I wish you luck with your search

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support

    Monday 24th Mar 2014, 10:32AM

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