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I am honestly trying to find out where my John Grace that ended up in Biddulph Township, Ontario,Canada in 1843 came from.  I think he married his wife Bridget Carroll in Ireland first before coming across in 1843.  I am only going by family lore and the fact that most people that settled in his area in Canada came from around Tipperary. There was a Patrick Grace/Bridget Blake family, that I have not been able to confirm is related or not, that settled in the same area in Canada.  I have been able to confirm Patrick/Bridget  were married in Terryglass on 04 Feb 1838. I have also found some of their childrens birth records in Carrig, Monsea,Tipperary. I have not found any data on John Grace/ Bridget Carroll in Ireland yet. It could be possible that John and Bridget were married in Canada but I have not found a record yet. Only their childrens Canadien birth records. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.


Friday 30th Aug 2013, 01:50AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi-I am a volunteer for Ireland Reaching Out for Monsea Parish, ans will look into this for you.

    Coincidentally, I  have a lot of Grace records for Monsea- John and Bridget Carroll do not appear.

    the Parish records only start from 1835 in Monsea -

    the only information I have at hand is that a Winifred Grace from Carrig married Dennis Hobbins - their children emigrated to Biddulph in the 1850s..

    I did a quick check in for marriages in North Tipperary under John Grace- in 1844 a John Grace married a Bridget Connell - might be worth a try to see if Connell is a transcription error for Carroll. Some of the registers are hard to read.....

    Kind regards 

    Monsea Tipperary

    Sunday 1st Sep 2013, 09:05AM
  • Hi:  Thank you for the reply. I am interested in what you mention about Winifred Grace. I wonder which family she may be related to.  The Patrick Grace/Bridget Blake family has, on the 1901 Canadien census, a middle child named Michael it says his immigration to Canada year is 1849. The 1st child born in Canada is a James Grace born 12/24/1851.

    The John Grace/Bridget Carroll familys Canadien records start around the mid 1840s

    I did see that John Grace/Bridget Connell record you speak of but every record I have found in Canada is spellen either Carroll or Carrol.

    Do not know if this will help if you use Irish Naming Patterns but John Grace/Bridget/Carrolls' first son is named is named Dennis and 1st daughters name is Catherine and 2nd daughter is named Mariah.

    Patrick Grace/ Bridget Blakes 1st son is named Patrick and only daughters name is Mary


    Thank you again




    Tuesday 3rd Sep 2013, 07:47PM
  • Hi- 

    It is possible that Winifred Grace and Patrick Grace are brother and sister. I have further information on both that indicates they may be. If you email me at I can send you on further info.

    i looked in parish registers for John Grace and Bridget Connell to see if it was Carroll - but could not find them in 1844- will look again .

    it is possible that John Grace did come from Monsea parish as some families did migrate to Biddulph in the 1840s- there was a connection with Hodgins in this parish.

    the naming patterns of Dennis in John Graces family however raises a question of whether he is from this parish- there are no Dennis in any other Grace families.

    kind regards



    Monsea Tipperary

    Wednesday 4th Sep 2013, 07:49AM
  • My apologies the email address is:



    Monsea Tipperary

    Wednesday 4th Sep 2013, 08:09AM
  • RE
    John Grace and Bridget Carroll

    These people were my Great Great Grandparents.

    Mariah Grace married Martin Hogan

    Katherine Hogan married John Joseph Kenny

    Their daughter Anna Marie Kenny was my mother.

    I believe the 1844 Marriage record you mentioned on Roots Ireland (20 Feb 1844) is correct, but Bridget Carrolls name was incorectly transcribed.

    I am also interested if there is a connection to Patrick and Bridget (Blake) Grace as they did live very close to other family members.

    I look forward to learning more Thanks

    Wayne Davey

    Saturday 28th Dec 2013, 08:04PM
  • Hi Wayne re the marriage record on  on the 20th Feb 1844 - unfortunately this is a transcription error . I looked up the parish register, and in fact the John Grace and Bridget Conell in question were witnesses to a marriage- not bride and groom.

    if you would like to email me at I could send you more information

    many thanks

    Monsea Tipperary

    Saturday 28th Dec 2013, 11:21PM
  • Hi Mark


    I sent a reply to the email address attached to your message, but in came you don't get it my email is:


    Also I do have a couple of photos of relatives from Bad Ax Michigan I can send you.



    Monday 30th Dec 2013, 01:03AM

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