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Tavanalready, Donagheady, Co Tyrone

Can anyone help me find the location of the above which was given as residence in a 1809 will for Andrew ROBINSON?  (I don't know yet if he is connected but I check out all Donagheady clues).  it is not listed on the GENUK listing for Donagheady.  Thank you.

Kathy from Oz

Sunday 11th Jan 2015, 05:21AM

Message Board Replies

  • Kathy:

    The townland may be Tamnabrady.

    This site may be helpful regarding history and location.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 12th Jan 2015, 12:09AM
  • Thanks for your response.  You mention a site which may be helpful.  Did you mean to put in a website address or did you mean this site?

    Kathy Atkins

    Kathy from Oz

    Monday 12th Jan 2015, 12:53AM
  • Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 12th Jan 2015, 03:02AM
  • Thanks for your info.  When I wrote Tamnabrady under the name I already had, I was so easy to see how the person transcribing the wills could have got it so wrong.  I have just come across another place name on the Passenger Lists to New South Wales, Australia which read Donochheddy, Tyrone.  Accents can distort so much (as well as poor spelling).  The parish name is actually Donaghe(a)dy!


    I will check out the bready ancestry site tomorrow.  Thanks again.

    Kathy Atkins

    Kathy from Oz

    Monday 12th Jan 2015, 08:55AM

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