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Looking for information on parents of James TIGHE, born Ballycanew (6 May 1852); parents are: Thomas TIGHE and Mary Ann HUGHES (seeking marriage info and parent names for Thomas and Mary Ann).  Many thanks.


Sunday 14th Apr 2013, 02:42PM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Janet,

    Have you checked church records for a marriage record of Thomas and Mary Ann? If you do uncover it, it should provide you with parents names and possibly a place of residence at the time of marriage.

    ROMAN CATHOLIC: Most Catholic records are held locally - One site which might be of use is - - where you can ‘browse’ an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.

     CHURCH OF IRELAND: Church of Ireland parish registers for the period up to 1870-are public records. Registers are available for about one third of the parishes, however many were destroyed in the Public Records Office in Dublin in 1922. Most are still held by the local clergy, although some are in the National Archives of Ireland and others are in the Representative Church Body Library in Dublin. A list of all surviving registers is available in the National Archives. and  The Anglican Record Project is has created an index to their records:…

    PRESBYTERIAN: Presbyterian registers are held in three main locations: in local custody, in the Public Records of Northern Ireland (PRONI) and at the Presbyterian Historical Society in Belfast. PRONI has microfilm copies of almost all registers in Northern Ireland and also lists of records held by the Presbyterian Historical Society. For the rest of Ireland, almost all records are in local custody. It can difficult to locate these as many congregations in the South have moved, amalgamated, or simply disappeared over the last sixty years.

    Best regards Michael.

    Michael Browne

    Thursday 18th Apr 2013, 02:30PM
  • Michael,

    Thank you for your response.  I seem to be having difficulty moving forward with my search.

    Question:  I have discovered that the family rented a home with garden (duplex) while in Ballycarnew circa 1851, which was shared with the Constable's local "jail".

    Can you provide any circumstances around what might have made the family eligible to rent there?  it could give me a direction to uncover additional information on the family.

    I have checked the Garda records and cannot locate a "Thomas Tighe" for this time period or a few years earlier. My guess would be that the family must have been connected to a city  or military official in order to be eligible for this housing, but could be off on that.

    Kind regards,

    Janet Tighe Betz


    Monday 30th Jun 2014, 01:04PM

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