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I am researching the family of Bryan Smith & Christina Brady from Feagh or Carrickspringan, Moynalty, Kells, Co Meath.  Nickname The Red Smith's.


Wednesday 5th Sep 2012, 09:12PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Marian,

    You could try posting as much information as you have regarding this family. The more information that you post the more likely it is that one of our volunteers will be able to assist you.

    All the best.

    Genealogy support



    Wednesday 12th Sep 2012, 02:49PM
  • Griffith valuations -

    The above link is for the townland of Feagh in the parish of Moynalty, Co Meath. Folios 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 mayb be some of the Red Smith holding. These holding are in Feagh townland where it borders Quigelagh and Carrickspringan townlands. Mick Lynch bought some of these if not all these folios 20 to 30 years ago and still resides there. He is not related to the Smith family.

    Brady is a common name in carrickspringan Griffith Valuations, but some of these families names are actually Briody and not Bradys

    Do you have any further dates or information for Bryan Smith and Christina Brady. hold moynalty roman catholic parish records from 1830 to 1900. They do not give townland addresses or family nicknames for entries. Smith is a common name in Moynalty and in Feagh also.

    There are a few elderly people in that area that maybe would be able to provide more information if you were able to provide dates names, places emigrated to or route there... etc.

    cathm43, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 26th Nov 2012, 10:51PM
  • Hello Catherine,

    Thanks for the info.  My GGGrandfather Bryan Smith must of had land at Feagh & Carrickspringan because it was passed down through the family. Christina Brady Smith was from Ballymacane not too far away. I have searched records at National Library in Dublin and have a few dates.  I have a birth date for their son John Smith born June 1832.  It's my earliest record out of the 4 families I am researching. But then again with so many Smiths/Smyths you never know how acurate it is.  Also another nickname for them was "Tinney's"  (Because they took down the thatch and put up a tin roof) haha

    Do you have any relations from Moynalty? I went to Moynalty one time to do a bit of research but it didn't go too well.  I am hoping this "Gathering" will bring the Smith's out of the woodwork. 




    Thursday 29th Nov 2012, 08:29PM
  • Hi Marion,


    I am a native of Druminiskin in the parish of  Moynalty, It is about 5 miles from the location of red smiths farm. I only know  a few people on that stretch of road. I live in Bailieboro now about 11 miles from the village of Moynalty now.

    I do know the townland of Ballymacane, but not the families in it.  Ballymacane is a large townland  and it falls in 2 parishes - Moynalty and Kilbeg. you could also try co meath - kilbeg parish for records. Do you know the location of Bradys in Ballymacane, could figure out if they are the Moynalty or Kilbeg end.   I originally assumed Christina Brady was from Carrickspringan. I haven't check the Griffith Valuations for any Smiths in Carrickspringan and if they might be near the Feagh folios identified in last mail.

    I have carrickspringan and feagh land records from 1855 to 1966 from the valuation office in Dublin. Can you e-mail me at or skype me at cathm43. (there is an underscore at what looks like a blank space in my email address).  I'll zip and email you them and explain how to read them. I also prepared you an excel file showing google maps 2012 and the 1855 griffith valuation maps to show you the location of the red smiths lands. Hope you have excel on your computer. Google map 2012 feagh carrickspringan boundry is incorrect.  This website only allows 1mb attachements. no good for my attachements.

    Do know where the family burial plot was - eg Moynalty, Mullagh, Moybologue, Robertstown(Kilbeg), Kilmainhanwood. Where you in the catholic cemetary in Moynalty. Its opened in January 1900. There might be a family headstone in it. I have a file somewhere on my PC listing alot of names on Moynalty cemetary headstones.

    What research did you do or who did you meet when you visited Moynalty and when did you visit Moynalty (Year). Red Smith feagh farm is about 3 miles from the village of Moynalty and 2.5 miles from Mullagh.

    If I get any more information from Mick Lynch or older people in the area, i let you know. What was the last known smith name you had and year or decade approx .





    cathm43, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 2nd Dec 2012, 07:29PM

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