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My grandfather, Thomas Francis Walsh, came to the United States from Mitchelstown, Co Cork possibly in 1906.  He had attended the Christian Brothers School.  He was a bricklayer by trade and settled in Germantown, Pennsylvania first where he worked.  He later moved to Butte, Montana where he married my grandmother, also from Mitchelstown.  It is not known if Thomas had brothers or sisters.
My grandmother, Bridget Condon, came to the United States in 1906 and settled in Butte, Montana where she took care of an elderly aunt, Mrs. Prindeville, who paid her passage.  Bridget preferred to be called Delia, so her name may be listed as Delia in some sources.  Bridget/Delia had several brothers, including a brother Dave who also came to live in Butte, Montana until his death at an early age.  Another brother Ned (Edward) remained in Mitchelstown and had at least one daughter, Maisie.  Bridget also had a sister, Mary Condon, who was housekeeper for a local judge in Mitchelstown and married late in life to a Mr. Mackasey.  There were other brothers and possibly other sisters.  Bridget also attended school in Mitchelstown and was trained to sew with a high level of skill.
If any relatives wish to contact me and others in the family, please e-mail me at
Thank you.

Thursday 25th Oct 2012, 02:16AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there, thanks for visiting the site, your message will be circulated at the next meeting on monday night and we'll be back hopefully with some more info for you, till then, amanda

    Wednesday 31st Oct 2012, 03:58PM

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