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 Searching foor information on Edward James Martin, who according to his naturalization papers, was born in Brookeborough, Fermanagh in 1818, and emigrated to New York in 1832. Given that he would only have been 14 years old at the time, my guess is that he came with an older sibling, possibly a sister married to a McCaffrey. The "New York" that Edward came to was most likely Ft. Covington, NY on the New York-Quebec border. McCaffreys had three large farms in Ste. Agnes Dundee, Quebec, and a number of McCaffreys may be found in Ft. Covington cemetaries. Edward was in Lowell, Massachusetts by 1840 where he was a carpenter. He married first Ann Garrity who died of tuberculosis, and second, Mary Dineen from Ste. Agnes Dundee. Edward James Martin was my ggg-grandfather.

Kevin Martin

Thursday 25th Oct 2012, 01:20PM

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