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Looking for traces of John Owens, probably of Drumcrow townland, father of Rev. Thomas Owens who was ordained by John Wesley.  He was also the father (by a second marriage) of John II Owens, born 1800, who later lived in the townlands of  Rosscrennagh and Rossharbour in Templecarne parish.

Don't know John I's date of birth (must be mid 1700's) or the names of either of his wives.

Cheers, Carl

Saturday 24th Nov 2012, 10:19PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Carl,

    Once again the chances of finding information dating back to the mid 1700's are not great. Please refer to your earlier message about Isabella for some contacts that may prove useful.


    Thank you,

    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 29th Jan 2013, 12:37PM

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