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I have managed to trace my line back to my g-g-grandfather Rev Robert W Weldon, who I understand was Rector of Ennis after 1817.  All I know about him is:

Robert Weldon was born in 1753 or 1754 in Co. Cork, the son of Thomas Weldon, a farmer.  Educated by Mr. Monroe.  Entered Trinity College, Dublin, 1775, aged 21.  Scholar 1777.  Curate of Drumcliffe (Killaloe) 1785-98, Vicar of Drumcliffe (1800-1817).

He had a daughter Mary (born about 1791) and a son Percival Banks (born about 1800, probably in Drumcliffe) who also went into the Church.  There is believed to be an earlier child, a daughter, but I have no information.

Rev Robert Weldon may have been married twice: (1) to Margaret Banks in about Feb 1786 in Ennis (her father was Dr Percival Banks of Ennis), and (2) to a Miss Baker of Lisnasque, Co. Tipperary (which would explain my grandfather's name Samuel Baker Weldon).

I would be most interested to learn of any information confirming (or otherwise) what little I have about him, and if possible trace the line back further.

Thank you.

Richard Weldon

Sunday 2nd Jun 2013, 12:02AM

Message Board Replies


    The careers of Church of England and Church of Ireland rectors & vicars are recorded in Crockford?s clerical directory. For the era you are interested in you may have to e-mail Lambeth Palace, but generally they have a fair bit of genealogical information on each one.

    Ahoghill Antrim

    Sunday 2nd Jun 2013, 12:22AM
  • Dear Richard:


    In addition, the Church of Ireland has a very good website and they are putting genealogical information on it at present.  If you google church of ireland, you should come up with the website.  My apologies for not knowing it offhand! 


    The very best of luck to you in your research!


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 3rd Jun 2013, 10:19AM
  • Many thanks to you both for your responses - I'm following these up.


    Richard Weldon

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 04:07PM
  • Richard:


    Here is the link:


    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 05:20PM
  • Hi Jane

    Thank you for posting that.  It will be wonderful when the project is complete, but they have a long way to go yet....


    Sunday 9th Jun 2013, 11:29PM
  • Yes, they do but it is worth checking with them periodically.  Good luck with your research. 



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 10th Jun 2013, 09:12AM
  • Yes, they do but it is worth checking with them periodically.  Good luck with your research. 



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 10th Jun 2013, 09:13AM

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