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Looking for the parish and extended families of both Rosanna (Rose) Jane DEMPSEY born circa 1826; and her cousin Ellen born circa 1828  - both tried at the County Carlow Court Sessions on 20th October 1848 for stealing clothing; and transported to Van Diemens Land (Tasmania) for 7 years. Rose's parents were Edward and Bridget DEMPSEY (her maiden surname is unknown); and she had sisters Margaret and Mary, and a brother Michael. Ellen's mother's name was Mary (her maiden surname and her fathers name are both unknown); and she had sisters Mary, Biddy and Eliza; and a brother Charles. Only the Co. of Carlow as their "native place" is known; the parish or village of residence at the time in currently not known.

Ian Byers - Tasmania - Australia


Wednesday 19th Jun 2013, 03:29AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Ian

    Perhaps a first suggestion would be if you were to go to Census of Ireland !901 and click on Search this will allow you to put in name and county and I would reckon that the siblings of the two sent away should be in their early 70s in 1901 should be listed in some village and it will require a trawl through the names and their are quite a few listed ...worth a try here is the link.

    Rgds Bill Ryan

    Terryglass55, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 19th Jun 2013, 09:19AM
  • Hi
    Greetings from Carlow.
    Very interesting .
    Will look it up.

    Saturday 22nd Jun 2013, 07:22PM
  • Bill, thanks for your suggesstion; unfortunately I have no way of knowing -

    1. if the siblings survived through to 1901

    2. if they stayed in the County of Carlow or moved elsewhere

    3. with the info provided in the Census, no way of knowing which family any particular individual belonged to in the earlier, relevant period.

    Once I have confirmed BDM info for the known family members, the Census could provide valuable info on possible surviving Irish descendants (ie my possible cousins).

    I will make a note of all the possible relevant 1901 Census entries for future reference.




    Saturday 22nd Jun 2013, 11:47PM

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