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If new this is a good place to start.  I am interested in the family of Desmondl.  My grandmother Margaret came to the US in late 1880's with her two teenage children. A widow, married to John Coleman of Aghada (a seaman).  For many years, I have traced most of family over here.  Margaret had three brothers, Lawrence who may have remained in Ireland, Thomas whos's son was famous, Sheriff of San Francisco and hero of the rescue of prisoners from the jail in Freemantle Austalia.  Young Tom was unmarrid and  had no children.  Brothher Daniel however had a large family in New York State and in Debuke Irowa.

Am looking for proof that members of this family came from Carigwohill., Who were their parents and have there been other sibings of whom I am unaware.  Will share wha I have and also have some picures.


Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 03:04PM

Message Board Replies


    Hello John,

    I went to and found a church marriage record for a John Coleman married to a Margaret Desmond in 1856 in Co. Cork.  The ceremony took place in the RC church in the parish of Aghada.

    You will need to register with this site (which is free) and view this  record which will cost about €5.

    Hopefully it will contain information regarding their parents and you will then be able jto search the baptismal records for Margaret and her siblings.

    Hope this helps you in your search,

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy


    Saturday 8th Feb 2014, 04:23PM
  • Dear Ann: found iunfo and have it.  Thank you.  Another problem:  Looking for Lawrence Desmond who was cousin of Tom (the member of clan na gael.Ann Dennehey from Australia is ooking for a Dennis Ddsmond who was sent there in he mid eighties.  My problem is that I cant find the message within the past year to the church in Ahada,  I have been looking for a Dennis Desmond who moved to New York and later by covered waggen to Demsoins Iowa.  It coulod be the same persosn,  He was an uncle to the same Tom Desmond.  My Great grandmother was a cousin to TT.  Any idea as to how I can locate her oriiginsl note?  I think it was to the church in Ahada.

    Tuesday 11th Feb 2014, 03:57PM
  • Hello JOhn,

    If you go to the top of this page you will find a search bar to the right of the red box thast says donate.  Enter the word aghada and hit return.

    This will bring you to a page that lets you search through previous posts.  If you type in the word desmond , it will come up with all the posts that contain that word.  Hopefull you will find the post you are looking for.

    Let me know how you go,

    Anne Dennehy


    Tuesday 11th Feb 2014, 05:23PM
  • Hi Ann:  Making progress but every step forwad takes me a step back. Prroblem with Desmonds remains that the only proven facts of connecting the family, Daniel, with my family ,Laurence, are: place of origin and years (Carrigttwohill); commonality of names (especially the name Lawrence )which happens to be my middle name as well as that of my uncle and cousin ); but the most important is that the clan in Iowas claims to be uncle and cousin to Tom Desmond (another brother of Lawrence and Danie?l).  I always though that Tom and my great granndmother were brother and sister but an examination of their death certificate suggests that they were cousins.  My father spoke of Tom comiing to visit while on business in Boston and staying on the sofa in our front room.

    I was able to find Lawrence in Ireland once I checked the name under the spelling of Laurence.

    My great grandmother, Margaret someehow ended up as married to a Coleman and living in Ahada. Her husband was a seaman and there seems to be a traditoin among the Coleman family to associate with the sea.  There iis an story of one of the earlier Coleman family serving in the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic wars and I have found a Peter (there were several of that name) serviing on a British Man--o- War, the Ganges.  I would like to see your work if possible.

    Tuesday 18th Feb 2014, 01:07PM
  • Hello John,

    I don't have any work to show you.  I believe you are under the misapprehension that I am researcing the Desmond name.  I am but a volunteer on the Irelandxo site, where I try to help people from overseas in their search for their ancestors.  I just do my best to steer people in the right direction and let them know what sources they could try in their search.

    I'm so glad that you are making progress.  It's like a huge jigsaw isn't it?  Each little piece making up the big picture.

    If I can be of any more assistance please just let me know, and I'll help if possible.

    Kind regards,

    Anne Dennehy



    Tuesday 18th Feb 2014, 05:19PM
  • My 2X great grandfather was John Desmond. He emigrated to the US and married Honora Ryan b. 1838 and had a daughter Anna Catherine b. 1862 in Illinois. I do not know his parish, county, birth date or their marriage date. He is dead by 1885 when Honora & Anna show up in the 1885 Nebraska in Omaha and Nora is a widow. 


    Saturday 14th Apr 2018, 07:32PM

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