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Looking for information on and relatives of the family of Sarah Ann Lackey or Leckie born Mullabrack Co Down in 1837.  Her mother died before 1851 and at that time she and her father &  siblings were at Whiflat Village, Old Monkland in Scotland where her father was a miner.  I have not been able to find info on when they moved to Scotland or where the mother, who I believe was Elizabeth nee Brown, died.


Tuesday 9th Sep 2014, 12:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear cmcmull

    The only baptism I could find on was a child, Elizabeth baptised in 1810 in Co. Down to a mother Elizabeth Brown. This doesn't really tally with your info on Sarah Ann born in 1837 though. This could be an entirely different family, but as there is only one reocrd, it might be a good ida to have a look

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Thursday 18th Sep 2014, 11:21AM

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