Robert Fox1836

Robert Fox 1836

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Migrated to/Born in USA

Robert Fox ( son of William Fox and Sarah Williams) and Mary Brien(Bryan) Fox (daughter of James Brien(Bryan) and Mary Brangan).

Both born in County Wicklow; he in July 1836 and she November 1839. Both baptized at St. Patrick's RC Church Wicklow Town. 

He was an agricultural laborer.

Children include: Arthur-1869, Robert-1872, James-1873, William-1875, Thomas-1880, Mary-1882 and Sarah-1883. Possibly a Patrick-1878.

At various times resided at Ashford, Ballinea, Ballinapark, Tinnakelly(Rathnew) , Ballinteskin and Dunganstown East. 

Robert, Robert jr, William and Thomas all played GAA for Rathnew 1888-1901.

In 1901 Robert, Mary, sons Robert, William, Thomas, daughters Sarah and Mary immigrated to Philadelphia USA where they joined sons Arthur and James.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 2nd Jul 1836
Date of Death 12th May 1904
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Robert Fox ( son of William Fox and Sarah Williams) and Mary Brien(Bryan) Fox (daughter of James Brien(Bryan) and Mary Brangan).

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