James Connolly was born in Drumlea to John Connolly and Mary Cannon Connolly about 1855. He died on July 2, 1939.

As the eldest son, James inherited the lease on the  farm upon his father's death. In an agreement dated February 1, 1908, James purchased the farm from "The Right Honorable Baron Harlech" under the provisions of the Irish Land Act of 1903, for 170 Pounds. Apparently the sale was financed through the Irish Land Commission.

James was married to Mary Anne Fox, the daughter of the neighboring farmer, James Fox.  in St. Mary's Church, Drumlea.  Mary Anne was born April 8, 1866 and died in Drumlea sometime before 1937.  They raised 6 children on the farm: John (1896-1974), James (1898-1954), Frank (1900-1967), Catherine "Kate" (1902-1913), Annie (1904-1987) and Benedict (1906-1975)

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Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1859 (circa)
Date of Death 2nd Jul 1919

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