john Ahern1790

john Ahern 1790

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in Australia

John Ahern (name later became O'Hearn), a farm labourer,  emigrated to New South Wales in 1841 with his wife Biddy Clery (Cleary), a farm servant,  with children Mary (14), Patrick (11), Eliza (7) and James (4) on board the Eleanor. Eliza died n the voyage and a new-born child Eliza was baprtised in New South Wales on the ship's arrival. John was born in Dromoland and married Bridget in Ballyea, of the Clarecastle parish, County Clare. The shipping manifest records that John's parents were John and Winny and that Biddy's parents were Bridget Connors and Patrick Cleary from Ballyea. The couple had another three children born in NSW: Bridget, Michael and Winifred.

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John, Bridget, Winifred.JPG (2.34 MB) 2.34 MB
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1790 (circa)
Date of Death 16th May 1875

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