John Mckeon born 1821 in Drumreilly. Married Bridget Magowan in Drumkeeran Manorhamilton in 1867. His father was Bernard McKeon born1788. John was in India working for the East Indian Company . He moved from Leitrim to Middlesbrough with Bridget after he retired from the army at 46 where he drew his pension. When they moved to Middlesbrough they added an e to the name . McKeone. Would there be any McKeon family around Drumreilly area or Magowan family around Drumkeeran.

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88th_Regiment_of_Foot_officers_1855 (1).jpg (195.93 KB) 195.93 KB
Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1821
Date of Death 1st Jan 1883


  • My great grandparents, Patrick Armstrong O'Beirne and Maria Prendergast were sponsored by a Keon in Launceston, Tasmania. They arrived from Leitrim in 1865. I wonder if there is a connection to a member of the McKeone family. Patricia O'Dowd.

    Patricia O'Dowd

    Sunday 15th August 2021 04:50AM
  • Hi Patricia, It is possible your O'Beirne and my Mckeone were connected but I could say for sure .I know my 3rd Great Grandfather was born around Leitrim/Cavan  about 1800 The spelling of a  surname  seemed to vary greatly when families emigrated.  I could not say if they are connected to your O'Beirne. However he had a daughter born in 1824 in Ireland  Mary Ann O'Brien who emigrated to  Middlesboro  . Her surname is recorded in 1851 Census as Obrion. It seems to  have been written down as she would have pronunced it and later recorded as O'Brien..Her grandaughter married my grandfather James McKeone in Middlesboro . There could be a connection there between the two families the Mckeone and O'Brien side from Leitrim that moved to Middlesboro. I found  a lot of  families from the Leitrim area  that emigrated to England seemed to   settle in the  Newcastle /Middlesboro area of England.  It's quite possible a branch of my  Mckeon family emigrated to Tasmania  and they had a connection to your Patrick Armstrong O'Beirne . I have no information on the Keon in Launceston Tasmania who sponsored your great grandparents .Sadly I have no information to share with you regarding  any member of my  Mckeone family from Leitrim that might have emigrated to Tasmania.

    Tony McKeone


    Sunday 15th August 2021 08:42AM

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