mary meaghan 1818

mary meaghan 1818

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Mary Meaghan (daughter of Hugh Meaghan , born c 1818 in Louth, and Michael Fitzsimmons born c1818 in Moynalvey Co Meath married in 1837,they had 2 children  a son called Michael and a daughter called Anne while still in Ireland .Around the time of the Famine they then moved to Sunderland County Durham around 1845/9 , their family grew with John George (my 3x great grandfather ) Bridget, Henry , James . Micheal snr died in Durham jail in 1865 ,Mary then remarried to Peter Kelly , they then moved to South Hetton Co Durham , John George met and married Annie Quinn who,s father was John Patrick Quinn born in Louth, After Peter Kelly died I think Mary moved back to Sunderland  with one of her sons as she had family there ,but I have not yet found out when she died . 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1818 (circa)

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