My second great-grandfather, Michael Duffy (Jan. 1852 - 19 May 1926), emigrated from Ferbane, Wheery, Offaly, to Benton County, Indiana, USA, in the 1860s. The date(s) of emigration, provided by Michael Duffy on census records, are a bit inconsistent. Dates vary between 1861 and 1865. He said that he came to America when he was ten years old, so emigration should have been about 1862. We know that as an adult he became involved in U.S. politics. In the 1920 presidential election served as an Indiana elector in the selection of Woodrow Wilson as president. On U.S. census forms he usually listed his "mother tongue" as English; however, on one census report he listed his mother tongue as "Irish." I presume he meant Irish Gaelic. Would Irish Gaelic have likely been his first language, if he was born in Offaly in 1852? I have learned that there was a large population of Irish immigrants in Indiana in the 19th century. Could anyone confirm whether there are families with the surname of Duffy who emigrated to Indiana in the mid-19th century, especially to Benton County? Thanks for any help you can provide.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 15th Jan 1852 (circa)
Date of Death 19th May 1926

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