nancy judge 1816

nancy judge 1816

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Place of migration
Stayed in Ireland

My 3x Great Grandmother Nancy Judge was born in 1816 I don't know where she was born but I found some records that she died in 1861 of consumption in Ballinderry Antrim..

My 3x Great Grandfather Owen Tochel or as his surname was spelled then Tohel I cant find anything about him apart from he and wife Nancy had a son called Owen Tohel born in 1842 from the Irish Catholic Parish Registers 1655-1915.

I cannot find anymore regarding this child and my great grandfather...they had 2 more sons Terence and Francis who came over to Scotland where I live approximately in the 1860's after their mother had died..

on Terence's marriage certificate in 1871 it records that his father Owen Tochel is a deceased private also records his mother Nancy Judge but no mention that she had died..his brother Francis was a witness at his marriage I've since found out a lot about both of them through Scottish and British Ancestry sites but would really love to find out more about my great grandfather Owen Tochel and his other son Owen if anyone could help I would be very grateful.

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1816
Date of Death 1st Jan 1861

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