Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Patrick was born in March 1832 in Ireland.  He came to the United States on the ship Edward Hanly in 1853.  He lived in Sandy Hook, Maryland.  He was the first man shot in the Civil War in 1859 when he was working overnight as a watchman on the B&O railroad when John Brown and his raiders stormed the federal armory.  I've been doing my family history for 20+ years and I am finding conflcting information concerning Patrick's brother Edward and Owen.  On his death certificate it says his father's name was Patrick and his mother's maiden name was (what appears to be) "Dondan".  The handwriting was a bit sloppy.  I suspected he was born in county Louth as there was a gravestone in the family cemetery of a woman who I believed to be his mother "Catherine Higgins" who was from parish Louth, county Louth.  I've also found a baptism record for county Limerick that corresponds with his birth date as stated on the death certificate from his daughter.

Attachment Size
Patrick Higgins 1.pdf (582.1 KB) 582.1 KB
Patrick Higgins 2.pdf (626.03 KB) 626.03 KB
Additional Information
Date of Birth 15th Mar 1832
Date of Death 15th Oct 1915

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