1st May 1794
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On the 1st of May 1794, for the first time ever, Catholic students were permitted to enrol in study at Trinity College Dublin. 

Until then, only Protestant students were allowed to study in Trinity. 

However, the Catholic church itself imposed restrictions on members of the faith attending Trinity, and from 1871 to 1970, Catholics had to get permission from the church before enrolling. 


  • It is very difficult for me to study, in particular foreign languages are my big problem. But, the other day I came across an interesting article https://positivewordsresearch.com/interactive-methods-and-forms-to-teach-foreign-languages/, which tells about interactive methods and forms of teaching foreign languages. Techniques like these can be very effective and can provide many benefits. Perhaps you will also learn a lot for yourself.


    Thursday 3rd December 2020 06:08AM

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