Catherine Rose Gairns1877

Catherine Rose Gairns 1877

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Migrated to/Born in USA

Catherine was born in the district of Killybegs in 1877. Her parents were Patrick Gairns and Anne McBrearty. Anne died in 1889 and Patrick in 1892. Catherine was their youngest child .She then lived with her uncle Thomas Gairns in Carnbeg Glebe Killybegs until 1904 which is when she immigratedd to the US. Catherine's siblings were Elizabeth(Lizzie)1871-1949, Mary 1873-(can't find anything else on Mary other than she was present when her father died),Thomas 1874-1909,John 1881-1936,Anna Marie 1885-1967.

I would appreciate any information on the Gairns family. I know that birth registrations were done in the Superintendent District of Glenties. I'm missing the birth registrations for Thomas, John and Anna Marie. On my grand mother's birth registration it says in attendance was a Rose Gairns and I have no idea her relationship to the family(sister, sister-in-law,Grandmother??).

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1877
Date of Death 15th Sep 1939
Father (First Name/s and Surname) Patrick Gairns
Mother (First Name/s and Maiden) Anne McBrearty
Names of Siblings Elizabeth(Lizzie)1871-1949, Mary 1873,Thomas 1874-1909,John 1881-1936,Anna Marie 1885-1967

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