Cornelius  Kelleher1846

Cornelius Kelleher 1846

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Place of migration
Migrated to/Born in USA

Townland Born: County Cork

Spouse: Elizabeth Jane McCarthy

Number of Children: 3

Child Name: John

Occupation: Miner

Place of Death: Virginia City, Nevada, USA

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Mar 1846 (circa)
Date of Death 18th Dec 1901


  • My daughter, Caitlin Meleady, and her mother, Carolyn Kelleher, are searching for my daughter's great-great grandfather, Cornelius Kelleher, who was from somewhere in County Cork. According to USA census records, he was born in March 1846.

    Our Cornelius emigrated to the United States, possibly in 1869, possibly arriving in Philadelphia. He wound up in California and Nevada, where he worked as a miner. In 1873, he married Elizabeth McCarthy, a first-generation American from Bangor, Maine. Their son, John Augustine, was born in 1882; his sisters were Agnes and Katherine. They lived in Virginia City, Nevada, where he was in the silver mines. Cornelius died in Virginia City of natural causes in 1901, and his widow later moved in with family in Oakland, California until her death in 1946.

    We've searched Irish records in the major genealogy websites without results.  Is there someone who has any information about his birth and parents?


    Tuesday 23rd June 2020 04:05PM

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