John Murphy1828

John Murphy 1828

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Most of my relatives came on the Robinson Expedition. They intermarried and all came to Wisconsin, where they intermarried again.

My family names are Murphy, Driscoll, O'Leary, Sullivan, Galvin, Jennings, O'Brien. O'Connor, Mulroy, McCarthy Blake, McNamara, Cleary, Callahan and Foley.

Some of those who landed in Canada went to East Coast US to work on the Erie Canal. They did not like the cold winters and hot summers.

All of my grandparents and great-grandparents died in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The weather there is not very different but the lake and the jobs on the railroad kept the generation born in the 1880s alive. 

Additional Information
Date of Birth 1st Jan 1828
Date of Death 1st Jan 1901

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